Session 3 - The Portal and I

Full session 3 the portal and i

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What does Sunette have access to within being able to see into the multidimensional depths of reality and into the thoughts and minds of people?

In this video, Sunette shares to what degree her access extends as part of her Portalling.

This product consists of a video and an audio file of the same session.

This product is delivered electronically. There's no shipping involved.

This interview is part of a series. It is not necessary to have any previous parts to benefit from this recording, but it may make reference to and draw upon previous interviews in this series.

The Portal and I Series:

  1. Session 1 - The Portal and I
  2. Session 2 - The Portal and I
  3. Session 3 - The Portal and I
  4. Who am I within the Gifts I Have - The Portal and I
  5. How Much of Me Can the Portal Really See? - The Portal and I
  6. When Change Feels Like Everything Falling Apart - The Portal and I
  7. Moving Apart Instead of Coming Together - The Portal and I
  8. Self Leadership in an Equal Community - The Portal and I
  9. Seeing the More in Myself and Others - The Portal and I
  10. Seeing the Potential and the Reality - The Portal and I
  11. How We Create Reality with Our Words and Thoughts - The Portal and I
  12. What I Feared Most when Portalling - The Portal and I
  13. Beginning My Story - The Portal and I
  14. No Emotion - The Portal and I
  15. Clarify Communication - The Portal and I